Women’s History Month: Meet the Women of Modular International

As you may know, March is Women’s History Month. There are many influential women in the lighting industry, and we’re so lucky that we have several of those great minds with us at Modular International Inc. When asked about Women’s History Month, Tracy Kosylo who is the Director of Marketing for Modular, said, “I currently work with many women in the industry from a large retail project manager impressing me every day that she can take control of all aspects of a space from start to finish, an electrical engineer again in retail design impressing me with her phenomenal intelligence, and the women at Modular that work beside me every day in a male dominated field all have a talent that each us are influenced by. I have been very fortunate to have amazing female leaders and mentors that have impacted my career.”
It’s important that we recognize those individuals that are making an impact. When asked about the “women of influence” within the lighting industry, Tracy said, “There are so many women in the lighting industry that are strong and influential women. I do not think one position is more influential than another, each partner of a firm, designer, architect, and those in construction are all an influence in their own way.” While Women’s History Month may be coming to an end, we are honored to have these women on our team every day of the year.